woensdag 24 augustus 2016

The History of Cutting - The Birth of Cinema and Continuity Editing

Cinema began as a novelty - projecting dancing shadows on a screen of simple every day scenes. But through the contributions of talented artists, a new cinematic language of editing emerged. Trace the development of editing from The Lumiere Brothers through Georges Méliès, Edwin S. Porter, and D.W Griffith.

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The History of Cutting - The Soviet Theory of Montage

Building on the works of D.W. Griffith and the development of "continuity editing" in early film history, Soviet silent filmmakers would pioneer new innovative ideas about editing that moved film from an extension of theater into a mature and powerful artistic medium. 

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Top 10 Most Effective Editing Moments of All Time

Skilled editing is as effective in the creation of a good film as a writer, director, or performer. Though often overlooked, editing brings shots together to make a whole greater than the sum of its parts. These ten movies are a fantastic illustration of just how important editing can be. 

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