zaterdag 30 april 2022

Which is better, Poly File or Mono Stereo File?

 This video covers a couple of questions that I have been asked over the past year. Some of you have issues with file types and this may help your issues you may be having. Sometimes it's the simplest things that can solve a big problem. 

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vrijdag 29 april 2022

The History and Science of Timecode

Timecode is the heartbeat of modern digital video but it didn't really emerge until the final quarter of the 20th century. We explore the rise of timecode, the basics of the structure of timecode and modern applications that can help keep your cameras and recording equipment in sync.


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donderdag 28 april 2022

Why You NEED Timecode to Make Filmmaking Easier

 What is timecode? Why timecode is amazing. How timecode works and how it can make you a faster more efficient filmmaker. Make your video production life FASTER by using timecode and Tentacle Sync to automatically generate your multi-cam clips for editing interviews, events, and more.


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donderdag 14 april 2022

dinsdag 12 april 2022

BoomX-D PRO Dual Wireless Recording SOUND TEST

 Comica BoomX-D PRO is out! This dual recording wireless mic pair is an awesome tool for vloggers and content producers. This video includes sound tests, range tests and an overview of the product and all that comes with it! Grab yourself a coffee (or a tea, if that’s what you’re into) and let’s get into it! 


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maandag 11 april 2022

ZOOM F6 Multitrack Field Recorder Review, Overview, Operation, Test Recordings & Unboxing 2022

 This is a review and overview of the Zoom F6 Multitrack Field Recorder. We will cover the following topics in this video: UNBOXING, OVERVIEW, OPERATION, TEST RECORDING and REVIEW. We will let you know if we think the Zoom F6 is worth purchasing today. See helpful inks below...

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zondag 10 april 2022

Zoom F6 vs Zoom H6 Best Podcasting and Interviewing Recorder Comparison 2021 4k

 In this video I look at Zoom F6 vs the Zoom H6, specifically in how they compare straight out of the box (with adding 48v phantom power — note, you cannot use a cloud lifter without the 48v phantom power turned on on the F6, I am unsure about the H6). As it turns out in the video, the F6 and H6 aren’t all that different when using the Shure SM7B with the Cloudlifter… unless you crank the gain higher! The AMAZING feat of this F6 32bit float recording is that you literally cannot peak the recording so goodbye to the days of setting the gain a little too low — now I will always crank it higher than I believe I need it without fear of peaking everything. WOW this would have been so useful in Ethiopia and other videos! And of course it will be useful going forward.


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donderdag 7 april 2022

Audio Levels for Video Recording and Editing - Video 101 Episode 1

 Tips for nailing your audio levels when shooting videos and editing. We talk about specific levels for recording audio, what to look out for and what levels you should export at. Watch more Video 101 episodes here ►


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woensdag 6 april 2022

Best Settings for ANY Audio Recorder (for Video Production) | Zoom H6 H4n F8 F6 Tascam D70

Whether you use a zoom h4n, Zoom h6, Zoom f6, Zoom f4, Zoom f1, Tascam D70, or Sound Devices recorder, this is how you should configure your settings if you're recording audio for video production.


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maandag 4 april 2022


 Ultimate Guide to 24, 25, 30, 50, 60, 100, 120 FPS

 What frame rate should I use for video to get the cinematic look? In this video I’m going to explain everything you need to know about frame rates for cinematic video. In this ultimate guide, I’m going to clear up any misconceptions and help you avoid mistakes that takes away from the cinematic quality of your films. Let me start by saying that ALL frame rates can be cinematic. Instead of asking what frame rate you should use, the more important thing to Understand is WHEN to use a frame rate in context of your shots. If you think you know everything about frame rates, stick around because there’s a good chance you will learn something new.


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vrijdag 1 april 2022

12 Camera Movements for CINEMATIC FOOTAGE


 In this video I share 12 camera movements for cinematic footage. Creative shot ideas for better B-Roll to use on your next video shoot. If you don’t have a gimbal, don’t sweat because a lot of these shots are possible with just your hands.


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